Friday, November 30, 2007


I am happy because I finally havefound how I want to focus my paper. I have started writting, and although I still have a ways to go it feels good to finally have it started. At this point my goal is to finish it up and check to see if I liked the way I organized it.

Monday, November 26, 2007

After today I do feel much more confident and ready to start on my research paper, I am excited because I found some good critics that I am going to use in my paper. Also, I have a much clearer idea on how I want to organize my paper. My next step is to dig in on writing it, which I now feel will be a lot easier.


I am currently behind in both my researching and and writing. I was hoping to get an interview/observe a class but I don't think i have time to do either of those things. Right now I really want to take more time to organize my research and what I want to say. So I will continue on my outline and hopefully start my paper by the end of today.

Monday, November 19, 2007

start of outline

Thesis Statement:
There are many students who do not respond well to the way information is taught in schools. What people may not realize is that there are many other types of schooling that offer other options and benefits; one of the more popular methods came from Maria Montessori. To find these benefits one must observe where the method came from, what are the components of it, and observe the differences between Montessori schools and the average, public class room.

Maria Montessori
New solution

What makes a modern day Montessori school?

Differences between schools

Pros/cons of Montessori schools



I agree with Tzuo that contrary to what some say, the Montessori Method is child-centered, and I would add that she even felt that the student could teach his self (Tzuo 36).

When I first thought about Montessori schooling, I assumed it wouldn't be well known or able to be Incorporated into public schools. Now, however, having researched and talked to many people about my topic, I’ve come to the conclusion that not only have many people heard of and exsperienced Montessori, but that some of the elements from it are being Incorporated into public schools.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Annotated Bib. Fedback

Overall, both of my evaluators felt that i needed to continue to develop my annotated bibliography. I need to expand my introduction, add categories, and state the significance in the summery of my sources. On a positive note, they both felt like I was making good points and I had the correct bibliographic format.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Primary sources

For my Primary sources I will interview both teachers and parents of Montessori Preschoolers. I also am hoping to observe a class so that I can analyze for myself what occurs, and what differences there are in the Montessori Method.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Problem-Solving Detective or Critical Analyst.
What is the value for students of going to a Montessori preschool?

Synthesizer of Current Best Thinking on a Problem.
What is the Current opinion on the value of Montessori Preschool Programs?

progress report

Learned so far:
I have learned about the history of the Montessori Preschools, and the founder Maria Montessori. I have also learned some of the fundamentals to a Montessori Preschools, such as independent work, the use of imagination, self control, etc..

What do I still need to know:
I still need to learn more data about students who have gone through this program compared to those who haven't. For example are their work ethics different? Organizational skills? Are they still able to work effectively in groups? I would also like to continue learning about differences and similarities within the Montessori programs.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Background Research

~Primary: Observations of Montessori preschools, interview parents of children who have attended, interview teachers/staff
~Secondary: Books, websites, reports on how the programs differ from traditional preschools.
Key Words
Any of the following put together works
~Child development

Friday, October 19, 2007

Research Paper "Moves"

Purpose: To inform people what autism is and discus possible causes.
Audience: Teachers and Parents who have autistic Children.

Monday, October 15, 2007

possible research questions

1. Do standardized tests cater to all types of learning styles?

2.What are some of the causes/treatment of autism?
3.Are Vaccines more harmful then helpful?
~(is there a coralation between vaccines and autism?)

4.How does religion affect cultures?

5.What was the role of women in the 19th century?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"So What, Who Cares?" revised Technology in Education Synthesis

Technology in Education
Is it really improving our schools?
In his article, “Computers and Technology,” Richard Ohmann states that “it’s easy to get the impression that computers can save US education.” It has indeed become obvious that technology is transforming education; however, according to both Richard Ohmann and Clifford Stoll the change is not ideal for our schools, teachers, and students. In schools if something is not ultimately improving education, or in any way damaging it, then for the students’ sake it should be eliminated. Although students may not care at the time, we should care for them because as the saying goes “the children are our future.”

Many schools have rushed to buy computers with out really knowing why (computers and technology, 3). Stoll argues that computers have been “promoted as a solution to some mysterious crisis in the classroom, computers have been welcomed uncritically across the educational spectrum.” According to both of these authors the rush to buy computers has started to cause damage in education. What I am trying to say is, that now society believes that a school can’t be good unless they have the newest and best technology. Thinking such as this can greatly harm education because it puts pressures on schools to do all they can to get the technology, no matter what the retributions are. They don’t stop and realize as Clifford Stoll does that “A great school doesn’t need computers.”

What truly makes a school good are not the computer programs but the teachers. When teachers rely to heavily on technology students don’t benefit from learning interactively. Stoll said that in his own experience once the teacher started using technology the students tuned out and the teacher just sat back and felt as if they no longer needed to teach (who needs computers, 46). Even today “Students are tuning out their professors while they send e-mail messages….and otherwise multitask their way through their MBA’s” (September 7, 20001,A43). As for the educators, according to a study in Ohmann’s article there are only 14 percent of teachers who felt that technology had “improved instruction on my campus” (computers and technology, 3). If it is not improving things why do we continue to see schools relying more and more on technology to “improve schools”? Essentialy what Stoll is argueing is to completely get rid of computers in any educational setting.

He feels so strongly about computers because he is concerned about the students. Stoll emphasizes the fact that computers not only decrease student interaction (who needs computers, 48), but that “a river of instant electronic answers dampens curiosity” (who needs computers, 47). On page six in Computers and Technology, Ohmann expands on the shallowness of the internet “where knowledge dwindles into ‘information,’ research into plagiarism, and pedagogy into a search for trickier software to catch the plagiarist.” While Stoll firmly believes that computers are a horrible, useless addition to our schools, Ohmann pulls proof from the Oversold and Underused by Larry Cuban who said that “there is little evidence so far of gains in student achievement owing to use of this technology”(Computers and Technology, 3)

It is apparent that both Stoll and Ohmann agree that computers have not added anything to the educational system. They both feel that in many ways, these new technologies are hurting our schools. As Stoll said, “there are no shortcuts to a quality education.” Why should you care? Because how students are educated effects everyone and the culture we live in. Hopefully, schools will listen to that lesson and continue to put a quality education over the best, newest technology.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Synthesis Essay

In his article, “Computers and Technology,” Richard Ohmann states that “it’s easy to get the impression that computers can save US education.” It has indeed become obvious that technology is transforming education; however, according to both Richard Ohmann and Clifford Stoll the change is not ideal for our schools, teachers, and students.

Many schools have rushed to buy computers with out really knowing why (computers and technology, 3). Just as Stoll says that computers have been “promoted as a solution to some mysterious crisis in the classroom, computers have been welcomed uncritically across the educational spectrum.” According to both of these authors the rush to buy computers has started to cause damage in education. Now society believes that a school can’t be good unless they have the newest and best technology. Clifford Stoll supports many of Ohmanns arguments and states that “A great school doesn’t need computers.”

What truly makes a school good is not the computer programs but the teachers. When teachers rely to heavily on technology students don’t benefit from learning interactively. Stoll said that in his own experience once the teacher started using technology the students tuned out and the teacher just sat back and felt as if they no longer needed to teach (who needs computers, 46). Even today “Students are tuning out their professors while they send e-mail messages….and otherwise multitask their way through their MBA’s” (September 7, 20001,A43). As for the teachers, according to a study in Ohmann’s article there are only 14 percent of teachers who felt that technology had “improved instruction on my campus” (computers and technology, 3). If it is not improving things why do we continue to see schools relying more and more on technology to “improve schools”? If Stoll had things his way he would completely get rid of computers in any educational setting.

He feels so strongly about computers because he is concerned about the students. Stoll emphasizes the fact that computers not only decrease student interaction (who needs computers, 48), but that “a river of instant electronic answers dampens curiosity” (who needs computers, 47). On page six in Computers and Technology, Ohmann expands on the shallowness of the internet “where knowledge dwindles into ‘information,’ research into plagiarism, and pedagogy into a search for trickier software to catch the plagiarist.” While Stoll firmly believes that computers are a horrible, useless addition to our schools, Ohmann pulls proof from the Oversold and Underused by Larry Cuban who said that “there is little evidence so far of gains in student achievement owing to use of this technology”(Computers and Technology, 3)

It is apparent that both Stoll and Ohmann agree that computers have not added anything to the educational system. They both feel that in many ways, these new technologies are hurting our schools. As Stoll said, “there are no shortcuts to a quality education.” Hopefully, schools will listen to that lesson and continue to put a quality education over the best, newest technology.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Synthesis statement:
Technology is starting to transform education, however, according to both Richard Ohmann and Clifford Stoll the change is not ideal for our schools, teachers, and students.

"computers and technology" summary

Although technology has been improving education in some ways Richard Ohmann warns schools against becoming dependent on it in his article “Computers and Technology. He argues that students would rather use technology, especially the Internet, as an extra activity rather than an educational tool. On top of the fact that students rather use their computers as a distraction, teachers are worried about the dependency of technology. What would happen if their whole lesson falls through because there was a glitch in the computer system? That is just one of many concerns teachers have about the integration of technology. Also, Ohmann suggest that before a school becomes to entangled with technology, they should make sure they understand it fully. This means they need to understand the economic affects and are able to work with it politically as well. Overall, Ohmann is worried that the school systems are rushing to quickly into the new world of technology and he urges schools to be cautions and really research all aspects of this new development in our world.

Friday, September 7, 2007

The link above will take you to an article on Virtual Schooling. In this article the majority of it is written in an "I say" format, where the author explained how virtual learning is a better way to learn and gave many examples why he felt that way. There are a few times when the writer inserted a "they say" but two of the "they says" repeated the same statement. The writer seemed unable to find more opposing points besides the fact the virtual learning will stunt socialization. I also noticed that the "they says" were put in only after the author had made most of his "I say" points. Overall I would say that this piece was not effectively written because the "they say" points were repetitive and not well addressed.